Learning haskell diary (day #7). Cabal and testing setup
I was busy this year, so my Haskell learning is slowing down abit, but is not a big deal, I have my whole life to learn it. Actually, I am still practicing haskell, with the application to manipulate the hex file. It seems the project expands a bit so I think of the right way to handle it instead of using the traditional make file. So I am writng about cabal in this post.
Installation and setup
There are plenty ways to install Cabal, I prefer using WSL as a platform to learn Haskell, so it seems I have the cabal installed (possibly via ghcup), so it’s time to update it.
> cabal install cabal-install
Then go to the project folder and initialize
> mkdir project_dir && cd project_dir
> cabal init
After this command, the project_dir.cabal
file will be created, we will edit our build structure in this file.
Setup project with Cabal
At the directory of the cabal file: to build then run:
> cabal build
> cabal run
The cabal package is written in haskell, and it is consider as a part of the haskell ecosystem. With cabal, the source code will be more organized, just like how we use make for the other project. I put here the the cabal file of the project I am working on for the sake of explanation.
cabal-version: >=
-- Initial package description 'thingkell.cabal' generated by 'cabal init'.
-- For further documentation, see http://haskell.org/cabal/users-guide/
name: thingkell
-- synopsis:
-- description:
-- bug-reports:
-- license:
license-file: LICENSE
author: Truong Tran
maintainer: contact@tranvantruong.com
-- copyright:
-- category:
build-type: Simple
extra-source-files: CHANGELOG.md, README.md, bit_utils.c
executable thingkell
main-is: Main.hs
other-modules: Memkell, Bitkell, Crkell, Hexkell, Ihex, Ffi
-- other-extensions:
build-depends: base >=4.13 && <4.14,
hs-source-dirs: ./src
-- extra-source-file: src/bit_utils.c
--C-sources-dirs: ./src
C-sources: src/bit_utils.c
Includes: bit_utils.h
Include-dirs: ./src
Install-includes: bit_utils.h
default-language: Haskell2010
What I want to point out here is how to setup this to work with mixed C source code via FFI with haskell.
Setup testing in Cabal
Yeah, why not leveraging the test driven development, and why not apply it from the begining. It seems testing setup in cabal is nothing more than just a separated executable file that has the test harness to the code we want to test. At the time of wrtting this blog post, I have the following folder structure of how I setup the test code for my module. I use the Tasty frame work to develop test, the test case organizing is intuitive, so which this setup, I can focusing on develop the test case case and run the test every time I modify the code. It worths noting that testing is all about checking the side effect, so we should prepare testing is a way that can be easily resued when we change the interal processing implementation which is normally pure.
I think for now, we have all the CABAL setup necessary for a complete Haskell
project including the following steps:
- The haskell source code itself for the logic code.
- The C code and Foregin Function Interface (FFI) setup
- The Tasty test framework setup.
Actually, setting up the testing with CABAL is nothing like setting up the whole project target. except that instead of calling the cabal run
, we shall call cabal test
. I took a while to realize that and come up with the following folder structure to setup the project with the testing.
¦ thingkell.cabal
¦ Bitkell.hs
¦ bit_utils.c
¦ bit_utils.h
¦ Crkell.hs
¦ Ffi.hs
¦ Hexkell.hs
¦ Ihex.hs
¦ Main.hs
¦ Memkell.hs
¦ MemService.hs
We can see that I have put all the core implementation inside the src
folder, while the test artifact into the test
folder. You will see that each folder has it own main.hs, which means that we have 2 targets in the cabal file and each one need their own main function to run.
Testing with tasty
Then, we have finish setup the testing environment. Then, we will jump down to actually writing the test. OK, I approached the topic by desigining the test case firstly, from simple to sophisticated. I have preprapred some known-good hex file using the available hex file utility. I have tried to create several use case to vet all code I wrote in the core implementation, something like to test my logic to handle different type of hex record, such as data record, linear address record,… I put here some of the testing code I wrote in the HexTest.hs
below (it is just a part of it).
test_CollectAndMergeMemSect :: TestTree
test_CollectAndMergeMemSect = testCase "Test collect and merge memsect" $ do
let hexRecord = [IntelHexRecord {ihexAddress = 0, ihexData = [], ihexRecordType = 4},
IntelHexRecord {ihexAddress = 4, ihexData = [1], ihexRecordType = 0},
IntelHexRecord {ihexAddress = 6, ihexData = [2], ihexRecordType = 0}
print $ collectAndMerge2Memsect hexRecord
test_ihex2MemSect :: TestTree
test_ihex2MemSect = testCase "Convert hex file into MemSect" $ do
-- test
ihRecord <- iHex2HexRecords "test/8byte_start17.hex"
let preprocess = hexRecordPrependExtended $ catMaybes ihRecord
print $ hexChunks2MemSect preprocess
test_ihex2MemSect_fffc :: TestTree
test_ihex2MemSect_fffc = testCase "Convert hex file that crosses" $ do
-- test
ihRecord <- iHex2HexRecords "test/8byte_startFFFC.hex"
let preprocess = hexRecordPrependExtended $ catMaybes ihRecord
print $ hexChunks2MemSect preprocess
Well thanks to this testing, I help me to detect the problem in my code easier, I am glad that the effort figuring out the setup worths.
I will finish this blog at this time, I have some incorrect logic to debug so I will make the report next time about the project I am working on. See you and Happy new year!