Toyz password generator
Password Derivation Password Generator based on AES-MP - Experimental, NOT SECURED!!! Alphanumeric String: Seed: Generate Password
Password Derivation Password Generator based on AES-MP - Experimental, NOT SECURED!!! Alphanumeric String: Seed: Generate Password
Info Notice: Đây là bài viết đầu tiên tôi viết bằng tiếng Việt với mong muốn bài viết này đến được với nhiều đọc giả còn đang là sinh viên hoặc những kỹ sư t...
I was busy this year, so my Haskell learning is slowing down abit, but is not a big deal, I have my whole life to learn it. Actually, I am still practicing h...
D E F Clear A B C ⌫ 7 8 9 ...
This page hepls to calculate the SHA-256 value from the input hex string or array of uint8 values in C syntax. Enter a hexadecimal array or C arr...
The first time I learn about key exchange protocol, I came across an analogy of the protocol using color mixing (Wikipedia image). This analogy is easy to un...
Recap After Half a Year
As a tradition, when some guys on the internet asking about career path in automotive embedded software. This reddit comment pop-up in my mind. I am worrying...
Ok, ChatGPT is flooding the media, people are crazy about it. As an guy who codes for food, why not try it then.
Theses posts is just my personal note when I learn haskell. It started on 2020 during COVID quarantine period. I have suspended it for a bit then start over ...
Theses posts is just my personal note when I learn haskell. It started on 2020 during COVID quarantine period. I have suspended it for a bit then start over ...
Theses postt is just my personal note when I learn haskell. It started on 2020 during COVID quarantine period. I have suspended it for a bit then start over ...
Theses postt is just my personal note when I learn haskell. It started on 2020 during COVID quarantine period. I have suspended it for a bit then start over ...
This post is just my personal note when I learn haskell. It started on 2020 during COVID quarantine period. I have suspended it for a bit then start over aga...
This post is to introduce the EABI to who has never read about it. ABI and EABI- Don’t be confused with API.
This is the tree I have from the first year I have a full-time job. I started with only one bush an now it has 2.
This post is just way I spent my free time to record what I have done during the hard time in the pandemic.
I am going to discuss about the memory aligment issue which we faced many times during development of the low level software. This topic is applied for any k...
Background Sometimes, when we develop the library for the customer, we need to provide the callback/hook functions that prototype that shall be implemented b...
You’ll find this post in your _posts directory. Go ahead and edit it and re-build the site to see your changes. You can rebuild the site in many different wa...
This theme supports link posts, made famous by John Gruber. To use, just add link: http://url-you-want-linked to the post’s YAML front matter and you’re done.
Only one thing is impossible for God: To find any sense in any copyright law on the planet. Mark Twain
A notice displays information that explains nearby content. Often used to call attention to a particular detail.
Abbott: Strange as it may seem, they give ball players nowadays very peculiar names.